Yep it seems that my humor definitely does not translate into Turkish because as of last night has been blocked in Turkey.  I am up there with Twitter, Blogloving and FunnyorDie.  Frankly I think this is the highest accolade I have ever received being blocked by a Government!


Hopefully in the coming days sense will prevail and the powers that be realise that I am but a stupid Aussie who runs off at the mouth on occasion.  They will see that I am merely an over opinionated, middle aged woman who could hardly be a threat to national security.  I mean really!

Look don’t get me wrong perhaps it is not the Government that has blocked me, perhaps it is merely a glitch in the system and I will come back online completely on my own and if that is the case then … oops sorry to the powers that be.

So for those of you “outside” I will continue to blog in my sporadic way but for those of you within Türkiye, well you can’t read this anyway so doesn’t really matter what I wanted to say does it?   LMAO!

Oh and just to really be difficult go ahead and share my blog to your friends so my voice gets carried just that little further today.


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13 thoughts on “BLOCKED!

  1. Hi Janey ..Tani from Ankara…lovin your blog and hopefully all will be set right….my guess is the hashtag terrorists terrorism any word pointing to that hot topic and event is what did it…i kind of understand the government wanting to squash anything pertaining to this problem…but nevertheless quite annoying that Turkey feels it needs to keep people from speaking and sharing at all….

    Take care dear one…Tani

    PS I have lived here with my turkish family for 25 years now…have had the ups and downs and plenty of culture shocks but i wouldnt trade it for anything 🙂


    • I removed my hashtags in the hope that it will set it right. I will give it a few more days before I think about my next steps.

      I love it here, wouldnt leave for quids. I find all the little annoyances amusing (and it gives me things to write about after all).


  2. Hi Janey, I’m connected!!! My helpful friend Harry came over and beat my iPad into submission, and I can see you again thank goodness! Hopefully it’s a glitch, as others have said, but if not – bosver!!! as they say in Turkish!


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