One Finger Salute *UPDATE*

You guys all remember my infamous “One Finger Salute” post from wayyyy back in 2019, yeah?

Well, The Turk recently told me that he thinks he might know who the crazy T-1000 Terminator is!

I know!

Apparently The Turk was recently playing Okey (Turkish tile game) at a local  kıraathane (coffee house) in the Village recently when he got talking to an acquaintance (who will for the sake of this post be called T-1000). What follows is a “probably” accurate account of the conversation:

T-1000:            Is your wife yabanci (foreign)?

The Turk:         Yes.

T-1000:            Did she give have an altercation in Çamlıbel a while ago?

At that moment, the Turk realised that T-1000 is the crazy feck who threw his entire body on our car so was very particular with how he continued.

The Turk:         Yes, she did. She was waiting patiently in traffic and was being respectful to the driver in front of her that was trying to park. Some impatient prick (my words, probably not The Turk’s) behind her kept using his horn. So, she gave him the finger.

T-1000:            She was in the wrong.

The Turk:         Was she? Or was the micro peen (again my words) in the wrong for not respecting the road rules.

T-1000:            She would have been at fault legally.

At that point The Turk said he was steaming, and told me it took everything in him to not lose his shite.

The Turk:         The fecking prick (yes, yes, my words) is lucky that I wasn’t there because I would have beaten him senseless for disrespecting my wife!

T-1000:            *stares back down at his tiles and says nothing more*

The game resumes and fresh çay was brought to the table. The Turk (being a champion at times) coughed lightly into his hand and “accidentally” nudged T-1000’s çay glass causing it to spill all over him.

Oopsy daisy!

I have never been prouder of The Turk than I am right now!

Did you know that Janey in Mersin was named one of the Top 20 expat blogs in Türkiye by Feedspot? Ch-ch-check it out here!

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